ADHD is a neurobiological disorder which affects approximately five to twelve percent of all children. Most recently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported a prevalence rate of 10% which reflects an increase over the past few years. Researchers believe that neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the brain, do not work properly causing symptoms of ADHD.
Inattention and impulsivity, the two major characteristics of attention deficits, can make complying with parental requests and succeeding in school more difficult for these children. Symptoms of ADHD vary from mild to severe. Approximately 25 percent of adults no longer experience major problems with symptoms of the condition. Some children with attention deficits do extremely well in school. However, for many others, underachievement in school is a hallmark characteristic of the condition.
Three major types of Attention Deficit Disorder have been identified:
School creates multiple challenges for kids with ADHD, but with patience and an effective treatment plan, your child can thrive in classrooms and in the home environment. As a parent, you can work with your child and his or her teacher to implement practical strategies for learning both inside and out of the classroom. With consistent support, these strategies can help your child meet learning challenges—and experience success at school.
Continuum Integrated offers specialized programming options for young people who are in need of all-encompassing care that is tailored to address their problems from the standpoint of their individual stages and challenges in life. Our services are designed to help maximize each child and adolescent’s potential for achieving recovery and success.